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TrustworthySearch API


The TrustworthySearch API is an efficient risk analysis service for analyzing autonomous vehicle (AV) technologies. The service acts as an optimization layer on top of simulation by choosing which scenarios to run, providing statistical coverage over failure modes, and prioritizing failures by likelihood. Our algorithms efficiently generate useful data and actionable insights regarding safety. Most importantly, TrustworthySearch interacts with AV systems in a black-box manner, preserving the integrity and confidentiality of the software under test.


This documentation contains several subsections:

  • Quickstart: Details how to install and use the TrustworthySearch API.
  • API: Describes the message types and services of the TrustworthySearch API.
  • Simulation: Describes the parallelization of simulation workers by extending the TrustworthySearch worker class.
  • Examples: Details the integration of several example environments with the TrustworthySearch API.
  • Integration Guide: General guidelines for integrating AV scenarios with the TrustworthySearch API.